Earn while learning traditional and advanced construction methods!
Working under the guidance of our master builders, you will gain experience in three cutting-edge climate controlled production facilities and on job sites in exciting locations. Paired with instruction at higher educational facilities in New Hampshire, these programs allow you to develop valuable career skills in a supportive and professional environment. Our first cohort of carpentry apprentices started in February 2024, and will welcome a second cohort in September, 2024.
Sustainable Prefabricated Building is a fast-growing segment of the construction industry. The demand for their high-quality, energy-efficient buildings is rapidly increasing, and sustainable prefabrication has significant advantages over traditional construction. These include: reduced environmental impact, energy efficiency, improved quality control, and improved safety for workers.
On the Job Training Description:
- Approximately 2 years of on-the-job training. Competency development will be assessed throughout the training in:
- Constructing highest-quality wood construction components
- Operating and maintaining advanced CNC machines
- Understanding and utilization of CAD programs
- Building science
- On-site installation of complete building shells
- Apprentices will spend most of their on-the-job training in our advanced manufacturing facility and will also have exposure to our Timberframe and Woodworking shops. A complete understanding of how Bensonwood produces high-quality, energy-efficient shells and beautifully crafted wood components that enhance our buildings will be developed.
Coursework Schedule & Cost:
- Courses will be funded in part by ApprenticeshipNH, and will include math and basic manufacturing courses within the New Hampshire Community College System, as well as several courses in Architecture, Construction Management, and Product Design at Keene State College.